We had forty players for drop in play Monday morning. It was four on four off, play to nine and the games were fast and furious. The majority of you seemed to like the new paddle holders. Please give a special thank you to Bob Fogle for putting them together.
One comment several of you made - that with the four on - four off, you end up playing with the same players a lot. There were a couple of ideas but suggest the following as the easiest solution if you consider this a problem. After the game the winners place their paddles in the first available holder. The non-winners place their paddles in the next available holder leaving a gap of at least two paddle positions. This will guarantee a mix of play and the delay of getting to play again would be very small
Another solution was we all chip in and buy the old Bed and Bath building that is sitting vacant and convert it into a pickleball facility. But when a small convenient store in our local area sold for $4M that didn't seem too feasible. Let's enjoy what we have and thank you all for your cooperation. Much appreciated