There will be a celebration of the new courts at Virginia Acres Park at 4.30 pm on May 23. Aiken Pickleball Inc. would like to show our appreciation to the City for building the courts and would be delighted to see our pickleball community show up to mark the occasion.
After the outdoor celebration, we will move inside for a potluck social at 5pm. All are welcome. To sign up for the potluck, click here.
We want to give special thanks to Mike and Loretta Beckner, who introduced pickleball to Aiken 13 years ago and changed our lives for the better. We are deeply grateful to the people who first showed up to support Mike and Loretta, some of whom are still actively involved in making pickleball a fun experience for everyone. The pickleball pioneers, who were also known as the Pickledillys, included Ron Nelson, Jean Durkee, Sharon McMichael, Bobbie Atwell, Leigh Maund, Maggie Ward, John Cox, Rob Bromley and Nelson Spitnale.
Our district ambassador, Mo Garcia, has worked tirelessly with the City to provide the initial 8 outdoor courts as well as the latest addition of the six outdoor courts at Virginia Acres Park. Thank you, Mo!