Minutes of 10/4/16 Player Reps Meeting

In attendance were Paul Leibstein, Tony Quick, Warren Marinaccio, Sally Fuller, Faith Loeb, Beverly Bonet-King, Judy Sparks, Nelson Swartzentruber, Linda Bourbeau, John Cox, Walter Suescum, Jim Kabel, Josh Booth, Joyce Noland, and Nancy Vermilye.

Warren opened the meeting by congratulating Josh Booth, Jordan Goetzman, Tony Quick, and Loretta Beckner for bringing back gold and silver medals from the Mid-Atlantic Open Pickleball Tournament in Arlington, Virginia.

Discussion on the Rating System

Ron Nelson started the discussion on the current rating system, specifically, whether to keep the “High/Low” designation (for example, 3.0 L/3.0/3.0 H) as part of the rating system.   Points raised included that:

•use of “High/Low” ratings assists with court designation in order to maximize play

•the use of “High/Low” gives players a sense of skill progression

•without the “High/Low” designation we would reduce the interest in getting rated 

•official tournaments do not subscribe to this “High/Low” system

Player Reps will canvass their membership this week to get feedback regarding keeping “High/Low” as part of our rating system.


The November schedule is not out as of this date.

The Leadership Team continues to actively explore additional locations for play.


We need three people to head up next year’s tournament.  Paul will send out a list of duties and responsibilities of the tournament co-directors to all players.  Someone with strong project management skills would be an asset. 

The Leadership Team will go forward in setting up a meeting with Jeff Metz of the City to review the data from this year’s tournament and to make preparation for the 2017 tournament.

Augusta Round Robin

Nelson Swartzentruber reported on a November 5th Round Robin event for 3.5 and lower rated players.  The plan is for Aiken players to be partnered with players from Augusta.  He has reserved space at Odell Weeks Center and tentatively the plans are to play in Gym #2 starting at 9:30 or 10 AM and running through 12 noon.  The fee per person would be $10 with $2 going to Weeks Center and $8 going to Chick-Fil-A for a box lunch.  He asked for assistance in designing a grid for the Round Robin.  There will be  a sign up sheet posted for those interested in playing. 


Nancy Vermilye reported that approximately 25 players enjoyed good food and conversation at the recent social.    

On Friday, November 4th, there will be an evening social from 5 - 9 PM that will include exhibition matches.  Spouses are invited.   A sign up sheet will be posted at Weeks Center.

Nancy asked if there would be interest in the Pickadillys making donations to “Helping Hands” at holiday time.  She will move forward on getting the word out.

Future Growth Committee

Discussion was held on current efforts (mentoring, clinics, etc.) to grow pickleball.  More specifics will be shared at future meetings.

Meeting Our Players

It was decided to present players biographies twice a month, on the 1st and the 15th.  Four new ones will be added each time.