We are spending numerous hours correcting careless mistakes or senior moments. The past couple of Thursdays approximately 10% of the court reservations have been invalid. Some are as simple as not putting the first initial and last name of two players, or of making two court reservations side by side, but not listing two different players. More serious infractions are when players exceed the two-court limit, thus temporarily taking up a court they are not entitled to.
Currently court time is limited and everyone is in a hurry to get a reservation, but there is no reason not to enter the names correctly. Prior to entering the SUG, go to Docs and type in the names of the players you are playing with in the correct format (first initial, last name) and do a copy. When in SUG select the court you want and hit paste.
Those of you that are having senior moments and exceeding the two-court limit on Thursdays will now have your last entry automatically deleted. Blatant repeat offenders will be referred to the City for code of conduct ethics violations.