We have had recent incidents at both Gregg Park and Odell Weeks with pickleball players being rude to the people manning the front desks. Please be aware that the staff working at the front desks have no authority over pickleball or the courts. Being rude to these people is just unacceptable behavior.
If you have a problem bring it to the attention of your player reps. That's what they are for. There is list of all the player reps on the website under Contact Us. The list includes their names, photos, email addresses and the players they represent by ratings.
The player reps and the leadership team meet once a month. The first item on our agenda is feedback from the player reps. The leadership team is in constant contact with both the Odell Weeks and Gregg Park management teams. Our job is to resolve any issues brought to our attention.
We all get frustrated, but please don't take it out on the personal at the front desks. They are our friends. If you need to yell at someone, yell at us. Thank you.